**Disclaimer:** The **PCMCIA** drivers may come with your laptop, if not try search the web for Cardsoft/CardWizard/CardWorks pcmcia driver. It can came as Windows 95 application for example in cardworks it installs different .sys based dos drivers in C:\cardworks which when can be loaded directly from config.sys. ====== PCMCIA CF Card DOS Drivers ====== * [[https://www.tssc.de/site/default.aspx#|Proprietary DOS Point Enabler for ATA Cards]] You have to test three of them **ATAENAB**, **CBATA** and **UNATA**. Use these [[http://mirror.vintage2000.org/pcmcia-cf-enabler-patches.zip|patches]] to remove the trial (it's abandonware right? :). Documentation can be found [[https://www.tssc.de/site/download/docs/ATA%20Enabler%20for%20DOS.pdf|here]]. **UPDATE 2024.10** some people reported that the above patches does not work correctly, so I'm releasing now the [[http://mirror.vintage2000.org/dos-pcmcia.rar|pre-patched binaries]]. {{:dos:pcmcia_cf_sd_microsd.jpeg?400|}} You can use cheap **PCMCIA CF Card Adapter**, then use **SD card to CF adapter** and at last use **SD Card adapter** for **MicroSD** cards. :) it will support up to 32gb microSD cards, 64gb can work but needs to be formatted to ntfs file system. It's possible to format it to fat32 also, using some 3rdparty partition management tools. Of course then using MS-DOS 6.22 or earlier you have to use the SD cards up to 2GB in size, because the larger sizes will not be supported by OS and fat12/16 file system. {{:dos:pcmcia_cf_sd_microsd_2.jpeg?400|}}