**Appify** shell script creates **macOS app bundle** from the **script**. It works on all major macOS X versions on PowerPC, Intel or ARM architectures. ====== Script ====== #!/usr/bin/env bash APPNAME=${2:-$(basename "${1}" '.sh')}; DIR="${APPNAME}.app/Contents/MacOS"; if [ -a "${APPNAME}.app" ]; then echo "${PWD}/${APPNAME}.app already exists :("; exit 1; fi; mkdir -p "${DIR}"; cp "${1}" "${DIR}/${APPNAME}"; chmod +x "${DIR}/${APPNAME}"; echo "${PWD}/$APPNAME.app"; Copy it to the **/usr/local/bin/appify** and **chmod +x /usr/local/bin/appify** ====== Usage ======= appify ====== Change icon ====== You can easily change app bundle icon following this [[https://9to5mac.com/2021/11/08/change-mac-icons/|guide]] and find icons [[https://macosicons.com/|here]].